30 mins Intake Interview

(before going to the Step 2)
Suitable for all applicants
Service Provider

Clinical Psychologist or Senior Counselor
Service Content

Meet with each eligible applicant face-to-face for an initial evaluation (in person, through ZOOM or WhatsApp)

To confirm if the program would be suitable for the applicant.

Select Suitable Service Plan

The services will be provided by our Franchise Counselor.

Service Flow

Please click “Enroll Now” to fill in and submit the enrollment form.

The applicant will receive a confirmation email after successful enrollment. The applicant pays the fee for an intake interview if he/she is initially eligible. Unsuccessful applicants will also be notified by email.

The applicant will receive an email to invite him/her to book a time for an intake interview after we received the payment.

Before the intake interview, the applicant will receive an email to invite him/her to fill in and submit an online pre-test questionnaire.

The applicant attends the intake interview.

The applicant receives the application result by email. If eligible, the applicant will be invited to join the service. Unsuccessful applicants will also be notified by email.

The applicant receives the service.

The applicant pays for the service fee before joining the service.

The applicant will receive a client account to login our online counseling platform after we received the payment.

Upon completion of the service, the applicant will fill in an online post-test, 3-month and 6-month follow-up test questionnaire.
Please refer to the email for payment Methods. Cash payment is not accepted.
Fee is non-refundable, except in special circumstances accepted by Online Companion.
Service User Notice
Assessment is required to select eligible participants to join the “CANDO勇破抑鬱谷” Service .
This is a fee-based service. Registration is valid upon fee paid. Please refer to the “Fee” for details.
Fee is non-refundable, except in special circumstances accepted by Online Companion.
This service will take 11 consecutive weeks to complete. If service user cannot complete the service or withdraw the service for any reason, he/she needs to inform Online Companion. Paid fee is not refundable.
Service users are required to complete the pre-test, post-test, 3-month and 6-month online questionnaires to evaluate the effectiveness of the service.